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Modified items

All recently modified items, latest first.
Slides of Webinar on Passwords by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2021-02-18 21:45
thumbnail passwords by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2021-02-18 21:40
2021-02-18 Passwords by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2021-02-18 21:39
Webinar on password requirements and tips
Installing Linux by Zope Admin, last updated: 2021-01-15 15:39
Webinar on email at ICTP and more by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-12-12 10:45
2020-12-10 Email at ICTP and more by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-12-11 09:50
Webinar on email@ICTP and more held on December 10, 2020
thumbnail email at ICTP and more by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-12-11 09:49
Microsoft Teams by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-10-05 15:41
extension by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-09-13 18:27
Slides of Webinar on LMS and tools for collaborative scientific work by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-09-13 10:33
Request for a Webinar by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:23
This form can be used to request a webinar (not an ordinary meeting).
Request for an ICTS managed video conference by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:22
Panelists by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:15
Enter full name and e-mail address for all panelists
Q&A by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:14
Enables the Q&A section where participants can submit questions to be answered by the panelists
Chat by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:13
Enables the chat function for participants and panelists
Practice session by Zope Admin, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:11
Panelists can meet some time before the event to discuss the details, perform the sharing tests, etc. but Attendees will not be able to see them until the Webinar is Broadcasted to all
Co-host(s) by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:08
if you want to record the event one of you should do it as co-host by saving the file on local computer and NOT on the cloud
Moderator by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:08
Specify who is going to be the moderator
Contact person by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:08
Full name and e-mail address of additional contact person (if more information is needed before start of meeting)
Number of participants by Grassberger Johannes, last updated: 2020-08-06 16:08
When possible give an approximate number
No information available

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